Mindfulness can help prevent depression

Mindfulness Can Help to Prevent Depression Mindfulness has its critics. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy or MBCT was first developed by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. MBCT has been embraced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world, but some people are unconvinced. However, a new study published in the journal [...]

Mindfulness can help prevent depression2023-03-12T07:43:11+00:00

Neuromagic: Why we are fooled by our own minds

Neuromagic - Deceptology Explores Neuromagic: We all know the mind can play tricks on us. But how? Australian magician Nicholas J. Johnson’s new show Deceptology explores what’s known as neuromagic — a field of study that explores why our brains are fooled by magic tricks. Johnson’s interest in neuroscience dates back to 2009 when he [...]

Neuromagic: Why we are fooled by our own minds2023-03-12T07:49:56+00:00

A Healthy Mind Lives in a Healthy Body

A Healthy Mind Lives in a Healthy Body A healthy mind: It’s the 21st century and the modern world offers so many tempting opportunities to sit and do nothing physically. Television, video games, surfing the web, and listening to music take up about seven hours of time a day for an average student. While this [...]

A Healthy Mind Lives in a Healthy Body2023-03-12T07:55:15+00:00

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